Project Profile: Tony’s Fine Foods
275 Reed Ave.
Sacramento, California
When members of CGRS’s California Compliance team recently performed annual spill-buck testing on the diesel underground storage tanks (USTs) at Tony’s Fine Foods in West Sacramento, they found the tank top components defective. The inspector with the California Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) on-site during the testing issued Tony’s a Notice of Violation and gave it 30 days to comply.
Fortunately, CGRS’s Compliance technicians have expertise in repairing such issues, and the business owner gave the go ahead for CGRS to install repairable direct-bury, double-wall spill/fill buckets on the two diesel USTs.
The job involved, among other work, the following:
- Obtaining the necessary permits from Yolo County Environmental Health, Yolo County’s regulatory agency for CUPA
- Cutting, demolishing and removing two 4’ x 5’ concrete tank pad areas around the existing spill/fill buckets on each UST
- Excavating 3′ deep to gain access to the tank risers and stockpiled the existing backfill on the site for reuse as backfill material
- Loading and exporting tank-top concrete debris
- Replacing the defective direct-bury spill containers
- Performing pressure decay testing prior to backfill to ensure tank risers and buckets were tight
- Placing rebar and 10”-thick 3000 psi concrete over the excavations when the job was completed
- Performing hydrostatic testing on the spill buckets per Title 23 of California’s Code of Regulations for USTs and per the CUPA’s permit requirements
CGRS’s team prepared drawings, permit applications and performed all the work within the 30-day window, thus saving the owner from being “red tagged” and shut down. CGRS also arranged for Yolo County Environmental Health’s required inspections and provided the owner with copies of the tests and warranty information on the new components.